Electronic Input Devices

I got this, Pikachu!

Thermocouple Sketch

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Some industrial thermocouples I use at work:

Miscellaneous Thermocouples

Graph of temperature vs. millivolt output of my home-made J-type thermocouple:

(with an ice bath as a reference so zero millivolts = 32 degrees F) Thermocouple Graph

What I worked on since the last Zoom:

I made a J-type thermocouple using thermocouple wire and an ice bath as a temperature reference to enable my multimeter to read the millvolt output of the thermocouple. Thermocouples are made by joining different types of metals together. A J-type thermocouple uses iron as one metal and constantan (55% copper and 45% nickel) as the second metal. I used a torch to heat the thermocouple up to 2000 degrees F and recorded the temperature vs. millivolt readings to create the above graph, which is fairly linear. I connected the thermocouple circuit to the Arduino and downloaded the AnalogReadVoltage code. I also (at Prof. Hart's suggestion) changed from 10-bit to 12-bit resolution.

Video of the thermocouple being heated with a torch from room temperature:

If I have time before Zoom I will experiment with the copper capacitance plates as a possible "coin-type" detector. Otherwise, I will do that over the weekend. I also want to 3-D scan a hotdog, but need to borrow my wife's iPhone X for that.